Course Curriculum

    1. Section 1: Reference Guide

    2. Activity - Communication!

    3. Using the Right Lender

    4. Be Proactive vs Reactive 👍

    5. Activity - Qualities of a Reputable Lender

    6. Spot Check! Review Quiz

    7. Questions to Uncover the Details ❓

    8. Preparing your Buyers to Purchase

    9. Activity - Questions that Uncover the Details

    10. Spot Check! Review Quiz

    11. Preparing the Purchase Contract

    12. What Happens During the Mortgage Process? 💸

    13. Activity - Structuring your Offer

    14. Section 1: Quiz

    1. Section 2: Reference Guide

    2. Disclosures and Regulations

    3. Spot Check! Review Quiz

    4. Managing Timelines ⏰

    5. Activity - Identify Timeline Issues

    6. Yay! You Made it to Closing 🎉

    7. Activity - Final Activity

    8. Section 2: Quiz

    1. Final Quiz

    2. Final Course Survey

    3. Course Conclusion

About this course

  • $38.79
  • 28 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content